
Not as humble as I should be I guess from our adventure fighting the Blood Elementals, I talked at length with Xnath and Zog about the thrill of the adventure. I seem to have had already forgotten the feel of death and utter helplessness as I boldly said, "I bet we can slay a great dragon beast! We seem quite invincible together, the three of us!" Being much wiser then me, they both seemed reluctant to battle the beasts. But, as great warriors often are, they were convinced easily of their prowess in battle. I have witnessed first hand many times Xnath of Zog's skill. I did not have to exaggerate at all as I named off their mighty deeds. Why not add to the slaying of the mighty lizard beast to these tales! And besides, I argued, if one of them did in fact fall in battle, I am a witch doctor! I can bring them back to fight again! (good thing too, as you will see)

It was set then. We met in the morning when the world was coming to life, gathered our supplies, and were off. It was a long walk, but we passed the time with boasts of having the first kill and bets and wagers of all kinds. Sometimes I got out of hand with my boasting and Xnath quickly reminded me that just the night before he clomped me four times in a row in front of a band of grunties! Zog murmured something like, " Aye, I know that feeling Olog!"

We finally made it to the cave. Milling around outside, where a few humans. One was a foul murderer! Having not raised his hand against the orcs, we left him alone. Other humans came by and showed their prejudice and fear of our superior race by asking if we were giving the murderer any trouble. They fear us so much that they would defend a murderer, one that has obviously slain many of their own. I liked to see the fear in their eyes. I began to say something about their comments, but Xnath stayed my tongue. He simply replied that we were here to slay a dragon and that no harm would fall them if they left us alone. They seemed relieved. They made a few comments about our soon to be deaths and then cowered away.

We readied ourselves, Xnath and Zog drinking the seeing potions, I squeezing my eyes tight to get them accustomed to the darkness. We screamed the battle cry of the orcs and plunged into the cave's mouth to fell our first beast. Darkness overcame us and we prepared ourselves for the hot breath of a dragon. And prepared and prepared and prepared. The cave was empty! Not one dragon to be found. We searched and searched! Finally we found one! Zog heard the beast growling from a distance! We raced to it, only to find that it was only a child beast. It was still a massive sight to behold! We moved in and then realized that it was cowering from us, away from our reach atop a ledge! We tried to coax it down, but alas the great lizard wished not to feel our mighty blades! "They are scared of us, " I screamed! Hmmm, that had a familiar ring to it. But, unlike before' when I was taught a lesson by the elementals that still haunt my dreams, this time the statement rang true. No beast came to challenge us.

We searched and searched and all we found were a bunch of snakes or rats or even giant rats. And then, having grand moment of inspiration, Xnath or Zog (I forget which one) said, "I bet if we slay all these rats and snakes, the beasts will grow hungry and come out of their hiding!" What a wonderful idea! So we began making our way around the cave, slaying every creature in sight. And then we waited. Not long! We heard the rumbling again and we rushed into battle! Turning the corner, we saw our prey! Alas, it was not an adult dragon, only a drake. But it was still a formidable foe! We screamed the cry for the second time and crimped the mighty creature! It's foul breath came upon us! The heat was incredible! Xnath, in the front, bore most of the heat. I could see the pain in his face as he swung his mighty blade! His blows did not lets up as the dragon tore into him with tooth, claw and breath. Both Zog and I began to apply the healing arts while beating at the beast with our own weapons. It was a good battle, but in the end the mighty orcs slew their first dragon! (well drake, but that matters not)

Excited as we were, we still had not accomplished our goal! To slay a real dragon! We made our way throughout the cave in search for adults to taste our blades! From deep within we heard a mighty roar! We traveled further down until we felt an almost unbearable heat. Zog scouted ahead on deep into the cave. He came back to us with a tale of a great wyrm!!!!! For those orcs who do not know, this is the greatest of the dragon beasts! Nervously, we formulated a plan. Having never fought this great a beast, we foolishly thought we had a chance to slay it! man were we so wrong! Let me just say that not once did I take the full blast from the foul beast's fire, but yet a glancing blow took nearly half my life. Xnath led us in. He was to take the brunt of the beast's fury while Zog and I were to keep him alive. But the great wyrm would have nothing of that. He tossed Xnath aside and lunged for Zog, engulfing him in flame and claw! My great friend quickly succumbed to the beast's fury. Xnath and I quickly retreated and nearly lost our lives as we stumbled up out of the cave.

As we caught our breath, we began to devise a plan to get Zog's gear. His ghost appeared. Even in his death shroud, we could see his gruesome, charred face and body. I steadied myself, said I silent prayer, and began to bring him back to life. It took some time. After many failed attempts that I can only attribute to my distraction by the beast bellowing from inside, further down the cave, I finally brought Zog back, praise Da'Nogra! We all breathed a sigh of relief.

We peeked down the cave, right into the wyrm's mouth! Scuttering back, we wondered what we do. Then a band of human mages appeared, and listened to our tale. They chuckled a bit and made some comment that we were either very brave of very foolish to try to slay a great wyrm with now magic! It seems that it takes several GM Mages to slay one in battle. BAHHH! Maguk is not the true way for battle! Give me steal any day! The humans went in! Seeing our moment, we rushed in soon after. The wyrm had followed them deep into the cave. We gathered and refitted Zog, and then quickly retreated!

Drakes are fine with me I thought! Never again will I foolishly battle one of the wyrms! We rested a bit, gathered our wits and began our search again. Soon heat engulfed us once again. But it was no wyrm. Instead it was a puny fire elemental. We quickly dispatched it. Our skin seemed impervious to it's blows. Nothing will ever be as hot as that wyrm's breath! Searching some more, we found a few drakes, but never a dragon. We became very good at slaying the beasts, each taking turns in the lead.

Once, as we did battle with a drake, a water elemental arose from an underground pool and came at us. What a glorious battle it was! The steam was so thick, that we could barely see one another. But we have fought together many times. We instinctively knew one another's moves. We kept each other alive, knowing that if one of us fell, that we all might.

It is one think to do battle by yourself! The thrill of the fight is incredible. But it another thing entirely to fight by your brother's side, knowing that if you fall, he might too. It makes you fight harder!

We continued on. We slew several other beasts, but soon grew weary and began our journey home. We vowed to return soon, to find and slay a dragon!

If you learn one thing from the tale, let it be this: There is no greater honor than to fight by your clansorc's side, defending him to the death! If you learn anything else: Do not do battle with a wyrm or you will end up a roasted orc! Har Har.